Vision & Mission
A world where survivors of slavery and human trafficking are thriving members of society.
We will achieve our vision by uniting and empowering survivors of slavery and human trafficking around the world to become leaders of the anti-slavery movement.
UNITING survivors
We believe that building sustainable survivor communities enables survivors to thrive. Without a place to share the lived-experiences of surviving a particular type of violence and trauma, we often feel alienated and isolated from mainstream society. Coming together as a community allows us to “speak the same language” and support one another in life after slavery. Survivor communities are not meant to be the only community in a person’s life. We encourage our members to build communities of faith, profession, recreation, nationality, and any other community that helps us feel a sense of belonging.
EMPOWERING survivors
We believe that empowered survivors will lead the anti-slavery movement and create solutions for our fellow survivors to thrive. By providing learning, leadership, and engagement opportunities, survivors can find a way to transform our trauma into treasured knowledge and expertise. Serving as leaders in our communities allows us to leave a legacy that is greater than the traumas we endured. Empowerment, like freedom, is an individual and collective journey. We are committed to walking this journey with our members, in a process that will be led by, for, and of survivors.
“Now I understand we are more and if we join together, we are going to change the world. ”