Action Plan Goals

In the next ten years, we won’t have to ASK for the change because WE WILL BE THE CHANGE.
— Collective Vision Statement

The Action Plan is discussed through four key themes:

  • Survivors Leading the Global Anti-trafficking Movement

  • Survivors in Decision-making Positions

  • Survivors Providing Direct Services

  • Survivors Leading the Production of Knowledge

Each of these themes encompasses specific goals that we believe are necessary to achieve our vision of survivor leadership. In the following sections, you will read a short description about each theme, and then learn in-depth about each goal associated with that theme. Each goal is then followed by specific actions required to achieve the goal.

In total, we have outlined fourteen goals and 145 actions in this Action Plan.


Our mission is clear: to reshape the existing paradigm and transition from a charity-focused sector to a grassroots social movement grounded in movement-building principles—by, of, and for the people.



GOAL 1: We will build community and mobilize our collective power to influence change.

GOAL 2: We will build a diverse, inclusive, and intersectional movement.

GOAL 3: We will elevate collective healing as a core practice in our movement and organizations.

GOAL 4: We will facilitate the creation, promotion, and improvement of survivor-led organizations.

GOAL 5: We will seek to strengthen collaborations between survivor-led organizations and other organizations in the anti-trafficking sector.


GOAL 1: We will be in decision-making positions in anti-trafficking and anti-slavery organizations.

GOAL 2: We will be in decision-making positions in public institutions responsible for the prevention of human trafficking, the prosecution of perpetrators, and the protection of survivors.

GOAL 3: We will be trained and mobilized to effectively lead and influence policy and legislation at all levels of government.


GOAL 1: We will hold diverse roles throughout organizations providing direct services.

GOAL 2: We will improve the conditions for survivor professionals who are employed in direct services.

GOAL 3: We will improve the overall condition and quality of work within direct service organizations.


GOAL 1: We will lead the academic production of knowledge about human trafficking.

GOAL 2: We will lead the development and implementation of anti-trafficking education for children, communities, and institutions.

GOAL 3: We will strategically influence the media and cultural narratives around human trafficking.

Email us at to share your thoughts, or ask questions about the Action Plan.