April Birthday Fundraiser
Friday, April 23, 2021
7am - 10pmBST

THE EVENT WILL BE LIVE ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUFRfZXPGSXt4egyesdPXZg

7:00AM BST | Fundraiser Kick-Off!
Find out what we are fundraising for - our first ever World Congress. Hear from our members around the globe about why they are excited about the Congress!

8:00AM BST | Children’s story in the Japanese tradition of Kamishibai, with Lisette Mayer

Antropóloga y narradora. Chilena de origen, vive en Argentina hace 20 años. Se ha especializado como narradora de cuentos en kamishibai llevando a la audiencia infantil y familiar cuentos tradicionales, leyendas e historias que retratan la diversidad cultural de nuestro planeta. Ha participado de diferentes eventos culturales en la zona de Traslasierra -donde vive actualmente-, realizando presentaciones en teatros, ferias del libro, centros culturales, plazas públicas y escuelas rurales.

8:30AM -10AM BST | Learning from Historical Anti-Slavery Leaders

Image of Frederick Douglass

Join Dr. Hannah-Rose Murray, Early Career Leverhulme Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh in a talk about her recently published book, Frederick Douglass in Britain and Ireland 1845 - 1895. Dr. Murray created an online map of ‘information on formerly enslaved African Americans who made radical and politicized journeys to the British Isles during the c19th to educate British audiences about slavery, racism, and lynching.’ You can find it here: http://frederickdouglassinbritain.com/. You can also attend free (currently virtual) Black Abolitionist Tours of London led by Dr. Murray twice a month. We are so proud that Dr. Murray is also a UK Trustee and Board Member for Survivor Alliance.

10 - 10:30BST | Musical Interlude by Chalanes del Amor
Follow them on twitter:

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This duet was formed in Mexico in 2007 but the artists, Diego Corvalan and Mariel Henry, have been making musice since 1998. Their show is a musical voyage full of joy, emotions and interaction with the audience. This duet captivates the audience with the skill of playing jarana, requinto, marimbula, tres cubano, accordion and tap dancing.

This description is adapted or copied verbatim from the duet’s website: http://chalanesdelamor.com/

10:30 - 11BST | Forced Labour and Migration

We will share a pre-recorded interview with Dr. Hannah J. Lewis, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Sheffield, that will focus on important intersections between migration and forced labour, specifically in the UK.

11 - 11:30BST | Anti-Slavery, Criminal Exploitation & Children’s Rights
This is pre-recorded session with Dr. Ben Brewster about his research on Child Criminal Exploitation.

11:30 - 12 BST | Break

12 - 13BST | Twitter Chat on the Intersection between GBV and Anti-Trafficking Work
Follow the hashtag #gbvhtms

Join four powerful women in discussing the connections between Gender-Based Violence and Anti-Trafficking Work.

  1. Antonia Musanga [@antoniawanjiku] who is an unapologetic intersectional feminist passionate about protection of human rights, gender equality social justice, inclusion, governance and development. She has worked on refugee rights, women rights, and sexual reproductive health rights and economic rights. Currently she is the National Coordinator for the Fight Inequality Alliance, Kenya.

  2. Jessica Donohue-Dioh [@DrD_SocialWork] is committed to purposeful inclusion and partnering with survivors. She has worked in anti-human trafficking efforts for 15 years, currently focusing on survivor informed prevention research. Dr. D. believes in upholding human rights for all people, especially the vulnerable and exploited, to be seen, heard, and recognized as valuable.

  3. Rumana Hashem [@DrRHashem] is an exiled feminist-sociologist and founder of Community Women Against Abuse, campaigning to prevent gendered violence, domestic abuse, honour based violence and forced marriage. She is specialised in research on gendered violence, ethnicity and conflict studies.

  4. Minh Dang [@minhspeakstruth] our very own, Survivor Alliance Executive Director.

14 - 15 BST // 9- 10 AM EDT | Anti-Slavery and Environmental Degradation

Dr. Bethany Jackson, Rights Lab Research Fellow in Antislavery Social-Ecological Systems Modeling at the University of Nottingham, will provide a background into what we define as the 'modern slavery-environmental degradation-climate change nexus'. This talk will explore the methods her team is using to investigate these interconnections, highlight examples from different sectors, and explore the difficulties in understanding these co-occurrences and what we may do in the future to close these gaps in knowledge.

10:30 - 11:45AM EDT // 15:30 - 16:45 BST | Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Incorporating Survivors of Human Trafficking into the Workplace
Co-Sponsored by: Lowenstein Sandler LLP [CLE Credit Available] and Deloitte
Register at https://bit.ly/3sHlljM

Currently, survivors face barriers in employment due to the impact of trauma on mental health, lack of access to higher education or training, and previous criminal charges. Often, survivors are additionally marginalized due to their race, gender, nationality, or sexuality. This virtual session features speakers who will share their perspective on how businesses can adapt policies and practices to ensure greater inclusion of survivors of human trafficking in the workplace.

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9 - 10 PDT // 12 - 1 EDT // 17 - 18 BST | Anti-Trafficking and Criminal Justice
Join James Dold, Executive Director of Human Rights for Kids and SA Board Member, and Maggy Krell, Special Counsel to Planned Parenthood and former Supervising Deputy Attorney General for the California Department of Justice, for a discussion about the intersections of anti-trafficking work and the criminal justice system.

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11-12 PDT // 2 - 3 EDT // 19- BST | Learning from Survivor Alliance Executive Director

We will be sharing a recording of the Q&A that we were unable to live stream.

Co-Founder of The Anti-Slavery Collective, HRH Princess Eugenie, we will have the opportunity to learn from a key anti-slavery movement leader, Minh Dang. As Executive Director and Co-Founder of Survivor Alliance, she has a lot to share about engaging survivors in anti-slavery efforts, her vision for the organisation, and how anti-slavery work intersects with ther social justice issues. Questions will be pre-screened and selected.

12 - 1:30 PDT // 3 - 4:30 EDT // 8 - 9:30 BST | Ending Racism and its Intersections with Anti-Trafficking Work
Register Here:

Part 2 of a conversation started in 2020, Kenneth Morris Jr. and Minh Dang will discuss the intersection of racism and anti-trafficking work. They will be joined by Robert Benz, Co-Founder and Executive Vice President of Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives (FDFI). As Co-Founder and President of FDFI, Kenneth Morris, Jr. continues the legacy of his great-great-great grandparents, Frederick Douglass and Anna Murray Douglass. Recognising the direct linkages between the enslavement of Africans in the 16th-19th Centuries, FDFI has pionered a preventative approach to human trafficking. This conversation will be candid and real. Please come ready to engage in critical thinking and radicial empathy. Thoughtful curiosity is welcome. Bigotry and disrespect will not be tolerated.