Invitation to Vote on Modern Slavery Outcomes

Survivor Alliance are working together with the Helen Bamber Foundation to create a Modern Slavery Core Outcomes Set. The aim of the Modern Slavery Core Outcome Set Project is to identify priority outcomes to be reported across interventions that aim to support the recovery, healing, and reintegration of survivors of modern slavery. We've identified outcomes through interviews with survivors, three literature reviews, two exploratory workshops, and an online survey. The latter two elements were conducted with survivors, policymakers, academics, charity staff and other experts on modern slavery and human trafficking. You can find a summary on our website.

Here is a finalised long-list of outcomes which you will be supporting us to gain consensus on.

We are writing to invite you to participate in the next stage of the project, Round 1If you are working for a non-profit organisation we are also asking if your organisation can help with survivor recruitment. Completing the online Round 1 survey will take between 15-30mins. In the survey, you will be asked to rate the outcomes refined in Round Zero for potential inclusion in the smaller core outcome set. Your results will help create a final list of core outcomes that, as a minimum and essential standard, interventions and policy makers should refer to.

As thanks for your support and time, you will automatically be entered into a prize raffle for Amazon vouchers. Survivors will receive £20 compensation.

If you are interested in participating, please click this link for our Participant Information Sheet. If your organisation is interested in helping with recruitment, please see our formal letter of approach on our website. If you, personally, decide to take part, please click the link to Round 1. The survey will close on 29 April. If you can help recruit survivors, please contact us.

Please email you have any questions.

All the best,

Sharli, Sohail, Bee, Olivia and the MSCOS Team