Access for All // Acceso Para Todos

Teal and Gold poster that says 2021 Campaign - Access for All. Making our programs more accessible, focusing on language and disability access.
Campaña 2021 - Acceso para Todos, Atendiendo acceso a más idiomas y discapacidades

In 2021, we are focused on making our programs accessible to all survivors. We are focusing on language access and disability access.

We know that this website is currently not accessible for survivors who do not speak English and we are relying on Squarespace to follow general accessibility guidelines.

To start, here is what we are planning:

Website Accessibility

  1. Change our standard website font to a sans serif font. - Completed on 3 Dec. 2020.

  2. Audit all pages to ensure all images have Alternative Text.

  3. Determine the best technical arrangement for full translation of our website into Spanish, French, Swahili, and Chinese.

program accessibility

  1. Ensure that membership materials are translated into languages represented by our membership, including Bengali, Albanian, and Swahili.

  2. Ensure that members can request closed captioning, Sign Language, and interpretors for all live programs.

  3. Edit current leadership training videos to include captions in a variety of languages.

  4. Record new audio of existing training content in a variety of languages.

  5. Ensure that all programs inquire about additional accessibility needs.

  6. Require a staff person to reach out directly to anyone who indicates an accessibility need.